Mayra Mendoza reported having found a bale in her building and the leaders of Peronism sympathized with the superintendent of Quilmes

Mayra Mendoza reported having found a bale in her building and the leaders of Peronism sympathized with the superintendent of Quilmes
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Mayra Mendozaintendant of Quilmes and reference of the organization The CamporaI reported these comers that They encountered a .40 caliber gun in the building where he lives together with his daughter and Justice investigates a possible mafia message. After making the episode public, the municipal head received the response of many leaders of Peronism, including the Bonaerense governor, Axel Kicillof.

Mendoza presented himself before the prosecutor’s office No. 3 of Quilmes and denounced the hallazgo de la bala. While the investigation meets the direction of the fiscal Martín Conde, Peronism stands in solidarity with the municipal head, amid Campora’s differences with the Bonaerense governor.

“I don’t want to say anything more about what happened. A crime appeared in my home, before this situation the complaint was filed. Nothing can stop us in the work and in the management”, stated Mayra Mendoza in dialogue with Futurrock.

“My solidarity and all the governance of the province of Buenos Aires with the fellow superintendent of Quilmes, Mayra Mendoza. We hope for a prompt response from Justice to the complaint of these regrettable amenazas”, wrote Kicillof.

“Huge solidarity with comrade Mayra Mendoza. This is not the first time in our country that we are like women with strength, courage and love for the people who intend to be called upon to inconvenience power. Hate speeches incite an unnecessary violence which is necessary brake”, signaled the Minister of Health and also an integral part of Campora, Nicolas Kreplak.

“Cobardes as always, obey the hateful speech of the government and amenazan without limits the scope of the slowness or inaction of the judicial power. We demand the speed of the investigation at the expense of the tax system. At your side Mayra”, wrote the senator national Juliana di Tullio.

Other minister of Kicillof, Walter Correade Trabajo, also greeted her: “I still repudiate this mafia message received by the steward of Mayra Mendoza and my solidarity.”

See you again, the provincial senator Teresa Garcia, I give you a political tone to the hallazgo of the bala. “Mensaje mafioso, asi empieza… A bala no silencia. Fuerza Mayra Mendoza, son los prophets del hatred”.

“Much strength querida Mayra Mendoza. More in front that never against hatred and violence. We want to call and with my heart, but but you won’t be afraid of claudications”, commented the Mendoza senator Anabel Fernández Sagasti.

While the national council Vanesa Sileyhe stated: “All the strength and water of comrade Mayra Mendoza. We respond to hatred and violence with more organization and more militancy.”

And national councilor Matías Molle, also an integral part of La Cámpora, registered the attention against ex-president Cristina Kirchner in a long post.

“Now a piece appeared in the building where Mayra Mendoza lives. This must be read inside the series that began, fundamentally, with the attention of Cristina Kirchner. Despite the differences, to these hechos, and others that were summing up, he supports hate speech,” Molle fumbled.

“The language is not innocent. The words produce effects, build climates, fuel passions. The government of Mile is governed by hatred, a sad passion. This discussion is embodied by people who long for a dark past; a past where the Other He was less than a human being. How many of those who today have the opportunity to speak and be listened to, it is impossible to understand what is being generated (and on some occasions, even to the point of amplifying it with his silence or validating it with his songs and applause), it is as rare as peligroso In this, silence is complicit”, añadió.

And I will remain: “It is no less that I have elected Mayra to send the message of hatred and fear. I choose her for what she represents. All my solidarity with you, comrade. Let there be many who have the voice. “.

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